Last year, The Global warming awareness campaign was successful. This month another one is scheduled on Saturday, March 28, 2009
and expected to exceed last year’s participants.
2,398 cities, towns and municipalities in 83 countries have already committed to VOTE EARTH for Earth Hour 2009, as part of the worlds first global election between Earth and global warming.
Earth Hour is a way for the citizens of the world to send a clear message. They want action on climate change.” said Secretary-General Ban.
Speaking just a week before Earth Hour rolls out across thousands of towns and cities across the globe, Ban underlined the seriousness of climate change and the need for a global climate deal to be agreed when the world's leaders meet in Copenhagen this coming December.
“People will be telling their representatives to seal a deal in Copenhagen. A deal at the climate change talks that will protect people and the planet. We need an ambitious agreement. An agreement that is fair and effective. An agreement based on sound science.”
This year, the world's first global election is taking place, an election between earth and global warming. It's not about what country you are from, but what planet you are from.
What you can do
(Excerpts from Earth Hour)
Turning your lights off for an hour is a great start. However, there are many other things you can do to make Earth Hour 2009 a success.
- Sign Up Now. Become a part of Earth Hour and get useful tips and tools to reduce your carbon footprint everyday
- Tell A Friend. Better still – tell them, your family and even your work mates. Encourage them to sign up. Email them a link to this website and mobilise even more people!
- Tell Your Story. How is climate change affecting your family and your community? We want to hear how you're becoming part of the solution.
Kids Voting Earth for Earth Hour, Saturday March 28, 8:30pm
- Run your own Earth Hour. Download our quick guide for how to run Earth Hour in your city or town. It's easy!
- Your Earth Hour. What will you be doing at 8.30pm on Saturday March 28? We're keen to know what you have planned for Earth Hour 2009. If you'd like to share your plans with Earth Hour and the media, then please send us an email describing with as much detail as you can what you have planned to Don't forget to include your name, where you live (City and Country), and your contact telephone number including your country code.
Official Earth Hour 2009 video. Earth Hour is on March 28th, 2009 at 8:30pm. More at Support Earth Hour by making your own video and adding it to our Earth Hour
- Blogger Tool Kit: Create a blog post about the importance of global action on climate change and how participation in Earth Hour can make a difference.
Lord Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government "Earth hour is important because the people of the world are the people who will put pressure on their own governments, government by government.
Earth Hour 2009 by WWF - Sign up for Earth Hour!