As You Remember It: The Lift-Off of APOLLO 11 and The First Moon Landing 1969:AgentPX

As You Remember It: The Lift-Off of APOLLO 11 and The First Moon Landing 1969


The Lift-Off of APOLLO 11

In July of 1969, America sent the first humans to the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins were aboard the mission named Apollo 11.

The launch vehicle they rode, the Saturn 5 rocket, is still the most powerful machine ever built. It generated almost 8 million pounds of thrust and even after nearly 40 years, it is the only vehicle that has carried men beyond earth's gravity.

Watch it now, as you would have seen it on July 16, 1969, at 9:26 AM EDT. T-minus 00:5:59 and counting.


First Moon Landing 1969

The video of the very first moon landing of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969! Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon with his now legendary words "One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind." This is a truly amazing video and it was in 1969!!! If you think about it, you have orders of magnitude more processing power in your mobile phone than they did in the whole space craft!! Incredible!


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